
When you check in to public transport journeys, you can also check in to events if, for example, you are on your way to or from them. On you can find a list of events that are listed with us. If there is an event missing that you would like to check in to, you can also submit a suggestion on the page.

Criteria for events 🔗

Since we can’t and don’t want to accept every festival, demonstration, fair or whatever, events should meet a few criteria in order for us to list them on Träwelling. These are not 100% binding. The Träwelling Team reserves the right to use their own discretion to decide whether to accept or reject events. However, there are a few pro and con criteria that influence the decision.

Pro-Criteria 🔗

  • Relation to rail, buses or other public transportation.
  • Short event
  • Event promoting tolerance, diversity, climate protection and the environment

Contra criteria 🔗

  • local festival
  • Event length > 3 days
  • Right-wing ideas
  • concerts